
A tricky interplay, indeed


Bone disease in patients with kidney disease is indeed a tricky interplay, as the article by Nyman et al (J Fam Pract. 2016;65:606-612) aptly states in its title.

The author made incorrect statements on page 607 regarding hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia and the escalation of fracture risk. (Editor’s Note: See erratum.)

In addition, on page 610, the article mentions that 1,25-(OH)2 vitamin D may help prevent hypertension, myocardial infarction, and stroke in patients without chronic kidney disease. This is not supported by the literature and even the reference cited states that fact.

Roy N. Morcos, MD, FAAFP
Boardman, OH


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Fibromyalgia management: A multimodal approach

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