Myth of the Month
Myth of the Month
Nitroglycerin’s safety and value examined
Is it safe for a man with coronary artery disease who takes nitroglycerin to also take sildenafil?
Myth of the Month
Do lipid labs need to be fasting?
There are instances when patients need to have fasting labs.
Myth of the Month
Is hepatitis C an STI?
Which sexually transmitted infection tests should this patient receive?
Myth of the Month
What is the most likely cause of this patient’s fever?
Case: A patient develops atelectasis after undergoing cardiac bypass surgery.
Myth of the Month
Does optimal iron absorption include vitamin C?
Plus, how often should a patient with iron deficiency take oral iron supplementation?
Myth of the Month
Cellulitis treatment recommendations
Which type of antibiotic would provide the best coverage and lowest minimal inhibitory concentration for the likely organism?
Myth of the Month
Colonoscopy prep suggestions for those who hate it
Which colonoscopy prep is best for this patient?
Myth of the Month
Patient with CKD: Contrast or no contrast?
New guidelines help clarify why there is a diminished concern for contrast-induced kidney disease.
Myth of the Month
Is anemia due to folate deficiency a myth?
This column includes folate test results from several studies.
Myth of the Month
COVID-19 mythconceptions
We are in a position where we need to take in what we can and assess the best data available.
Myth of the Month
Can this patient get IV contrast?
Patients with seafood allergy have a higher rate of reactions to iodinated contrast, but not at a higher rate than patients with other food...