Latest News
Local-level youth suicides reflect mental health care shortages
New national data show more suicides in counties with fewer mental health professionals and resources.
From the Journals
Children with autism show distinct brain features related to motor impairment
White matter in the brains of children with autism found to be distinct from the white matter in children with developmental coordination disorder...
A plane crash interrupts a doctor’s vacation
‘My oldest brother-in-law jumped into his ski boat and we sped out to the scene.’
Latest News
Electrolyte disturbances a harbinger of eating disorders?
Electrolyte abnormalities were seen well ahead – more than a year – of the time when patients were diagnosed with eating disorders.
Latest News
ED visits for kids with suicidal thoughts increasing: Study
Last year, the CDC announced that suicide is the second leading cause of death among 10- to 19-year-olds.
From the Journals
Watching violent TV in preschool linked with emotional, behavioral issues at age 12
Preschool boys and girls exposed to violent content in cartoons or other shows are more likely at age 12 to show greater emotional distress, less...
A new ultrabrief screening scale for pediatric OCD
Research indicates that pediatric OCD is often underrecognized even among mental health professions.
With a little help from your friends
One of the most important things we can do is to help kids understand when, how, and why they can support each other – and when they cannot.
From the Journals
Machine learning identifies childhood characteristics that predict bipolar disorder
With further development, the model could be used to identify at-risk children via electronic medical records, enabling earlier monitoring and...
Latest News
New statement guides the diagnosis of pediatric anxiety
Clinicians must distinguish between normal anxiety, situational anxiety, and specific anxiety disorder. “It’s detective work.”
Evidence-Based Reviews
Incorporating positive psychiatry with children and adolescents
The principles and practices of positive psychiatry can be readily adapted into routine practice.