Master Class
Master Class
Investigating the etiology of recurrent pregnancy loss
Consideration of the timing of pregnancy loss can provide a useful guide to evaluation, as etiologies vary depending on when in gestation losses...
Master Class
Prepare for endometriosis excision surgery with a multidisciplinary approach
We can now understand why many patients have multiple pelvic pain–inducing issues compounding their pain secondary to endometriosis and leading to...
Master Class
Decoding mechanisms of diabetic embryopathy suggests therapeutic targets
Before the introduction of insulin, there were few reported cases of pregnancy complicated by diabetes because women with the disease too often...
Master Class
Discoveries in diabetic embryogenesis
Dr. E. Albert Reece and Dr. Peixin Yang provide insights into the cellular mechanisms contributing to critical structural birth defects in infants...
Master Class
A hypogastric nerve-focused approach to nerve-sparing endometriosis surgery
My collaborators and I have recently developed an alternative to the laparoscopic neuronavigation approach that uses the hypogastric nerves as...
Master Class
Spare the nerves in deep infiltrative endometriosis surgery
As the treatment of deep infiltrative endometriosis has become more aggressive and radical, it is certainly feasible to consider nerve-sparing...
Master Class
Indications and techniques for multifetal pregnancy reduction
Monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies face additional, unique risks of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, twin reversed arterial perfusion...
Master Class
Managing maternal mortality with multifetal pregnancy reduction
The recent wave of legislation restricting reproductive choice may also have the unintended consequence of further increasing the rate of...
Master Class
Left upper quadrant entry is often a reliable alternative to umbilicus
It is important to have knowledge of alternate entry points and techniques that consider the patient’s current pathology, anatomy, and most...
Master Class
Safe abdominal laparoscopic entry
More than 50% of injuries to the gastrointestinal tract and major blood vessels occur at entry, prior to the start of the intended surgery.
Master Class
How 100 years of insulin have changed pregnancy for women with type 1 diabetes
In 1925, the perinatal mortality in pregnancies complicated by type 1 diabetes was about 40%. By 1965, it was 10%, and in 1972, it was closer to 5...