Expert Interview

Endometriosis and Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

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If we think back to literature that was published in the 1950s or the 1970s, Dr. Meeks was one of the physicians who described a set of characteristics of patients with endometriosis. He commented that typical patients were women who were goal-oriented, had private insurance, and experienced delayed marriage, among other traits.

The problem with this characterization was that patients would then present with symptoms of endometriosis who did not fit the original phenotype as historically described and they would be misdiagnosed and thus treated incorrectly. This incorrect treatment further reinforced incorrect stereotypes of patient presentations. These misdiagnoses could lead to unfortunate consequences in their activities of daily living as well as reproductive outcomes. We do not have data on how many patients may have been misdiagnosed and treated for pelvic inflammatory disease because they were not White, did not have private insurance, or had children early. This is an example of areas where we need to recognize systemic racism and classism and work hard to simply do better for our patients.

Although misdiagnosing based on stereotypes has decreased over time, I still think that original thinking can certainly affect patient referrals. When we look at the data of patients who are diagnosed with endometriosis, we find a higher rate of White patients (17%) compared to Black (10.1%), Asian (11.3%), and Hispanic patients (7.4%). Ensuring that all of our patients are getting appropriate referrals and diagnosis should be a priority.

When we think about the timing to initial diagnosis, globally, we know that there is a delay in diagnosis anywhere from 7 to 12 years, and then on top of that, those social constructs decrease the rate of diagnosis for certain patient populations. Misdiagnosis based on social constructs is unacceptable and one aspect that I think is very important to point out.

In a more recent study of 12,000 patients in 2022, the rate of surgical complications associated with endometriosis surgery was higher in women who were Black, Asian and Pacific Islander, and Native American/American Indian than in women who were White. These groups have a much higher rate of complications and higher rates of laparotomy—an open procedure—versus laparoscopy. In younger women, there is a higher rate of oophorectomy at the time of surgery for endometriosis than in older women.

Are there any best practices you would like to share with your peers?

Dr. Lager: For patients with abnormal uterine bleeding, it is important to consider other diagnoses and not assume that abnormal bleeding is solely related to endometriosis, while considering deeply infiltrative endometriosis in the differential.

When patients do present with cyclical bleeding, especially, for example, after hysterectomy, it is important to examine for either vaginal or vaginal cuff endometriosis because there can be other reasons that patients will have abnormal uterine bleeding related to atypical endometriosis.

It is important to know the patient’s history and focus on each patient’s level of pain, how it affects their day-to-day activities, and how they are experiencing that pain.

We all should be working to improve our understanding of social history and systemic racism as best as we can and make sure all patients are getting the right care that they deserve.


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