Why exercise doesn’t help people with long COVID
“We have participants in our study who had relatively mild acute symptoms and went on to have really profound decreases in their ability to...
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Long COVID comes in three forms: Study
“These data show clearly that post-COVID syndrome is not just one condition but appears to have several subtypes.”
Hospital programs tackle mental health effects of long COVID
Patients never hospitalized for COVID-19 still may have persistent symptoms like fatigue, cognitive problems, and mood disorders.
Body-brain neuroinflammation loop may cause chronic ME/CFS, long COVID symptoms
ME/CSF and long COVID are biologically based and involve ‘much disturbed physiology.’
Immune response may explain brain damage after COVID-19
Antibodies appear involved in an attack on the cells lining the brain’s blood vessels.
Does your patient have long COVID? Some clues on what to look for
Long COVID is known by many different names: long-haul COVID, postacute COVID-19, or even chronic COVID.
Many sources of PTSD are cause for concern
Against the backdrop of long COVID, gun violence, political and economic turmoil, it is important that clinicians understand how to recognize and...
Noninvasive brain stimulation promising for COVID-related smell loss
Conference Coverage
Long COVID neuropsychiatric deficits greater than expected
Studies document the cognitive and psychiatric effects of long COVID.
Most COVID long-haulers suffer long-term debilitating neurologic symptoms