Health Policy
VA Partners to Open Clinics, Build Facilities that Increase Veteran Access to Health Care
The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has been establishing partnerships right, left, and center to improve and...
Who Gets to Determine Whether Home Is “Unsafe” at the End of Life?
Sometimes a patient at the end of life (EOL) just wants to go home. We recently treated such a patient, “Joe,” a 66-year...
Where Have All the Future Veterans Gone?
The title of this Veterans Day editorial is a paraphrase of the legendary folk artist Pete Seeger’s protest song...
COVID-19 News
How VA Innovative Partnerships and Health Care Systems Can Respond to National Needs: NOSE Trial Example
Traditional manufacturing concentrates capacity into a few discrete locations while applying lean and just-in-time philosophies to...
COVID-19 News
VA SHIELD: A Biorepository for Veterans and the Nation
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) clinicians, clinician-investigators, and investigators perform basic and translational research for the...
COVID-19 News
Nationwide Genomic Surveillance and Response to COVID-19: The VA SeqFORCE and SeqCURE Consortiums
The COVID-19 virus and its associated pandemic have highlighted the urgent need for a national infrastructure to rapidly identify and respond to...
COVID-19 News
VA Big Data Science: A Model for Improved National Pandemic Response Present and Future
The COVID-19 pandemic emphasized the need for rapid response research in health care.
COVID-19 News
Leveraging the Million Veteran Program Infrastructure and Data for a Rapid Research Response to COVID-19
The Million Veteran Program (MVP) was launched in 2011 by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to enroll at least 1 million veterans in a...
COVID-19 News
VA Lessons From Partnering in COVID-19 Clinical Trials
The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), through its Office of Research and Development (ORD), supports an extensive and experienced clinical...
COVID-19 News
The VA Research Enterprise: A Platform for National Partnerships Toward Evidence Building and Scientific Innovation
The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) plays a substantial role in the nation’s public health through the Veterans Health Administration (VHA...