Suits or joggers? A doctor’s dress code
As a new doc out of residency, I used to wear a tie and shoes that could hold a shine. Now I wear jogger scrubs and sneakers.
Trading one’s eggs for a service discount raises tough issues, says ethicist
In a sense, she’s being coerced, perhaps – I’m going to put it glibly – to sell cheaply. She probably is getting undervalue, even though she needs...
How PCPs are penalized for positive outcomes from lifestyle change
For this change to be successful, it is vital that lifestyle behavior interventions ... become the foundation of universal quality measures.
Male patients with breast cancer: Special considerations and gender-specific concerns
Even the materials that we have are gender specific. I think those things all together can certainly contribute to a man feeling like a fish out...
‘Vaginal dryness’ can be fatal. No, really.
The thing that kills women is recurrent urinary tract infections.
Zuranolone: FAQs for clinicians and patients
Zuranolone was studied in women with severe postpartum depression and had to meet criteria for major depressive disorder no earlier than the third...
Don’t fear POTS: Tips for diagnosis and treatment
Sometimes that combination of a heart rate-lowering medication and a medication that increases blood pressure really works well.
Sleep irregularity
Until we as health care professionals take sleep deprivation seriously, we will be undertreating and mistreating our patients who would benefit...
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for traumatic brain injury: Promising or wishful thinking?
With respect to chronic TBI, it is difficult to imagine how HBOT could reverse brain injury that has been present for months or years.
New ‘C word’: Cure should be the goal for patients with lung cancer
I didn’t hear it at ASCO, but the truth of the matter is that’s a word we should be using and be using more.