
AVAHO 2023: Expanding Opportunities for Veteran Care

Timothy O'Brien, MD, Chief of Hematology, Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Timothy O'Brien, MD, has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.


Timothy O'Brien, MD, shares his expectations for the upcoming 2023 AVAHO conference. Dr O'Brien highlights four key areas of interest: networking with providers from other VA systems; creating more clinical trial opportunities; exploring educational sessions on topics like AI in oncology and geriatric oncology; and fostering team building within the local VA group. With an area of focus in malignant hematology, particularly multiple myeloma, Dr O'Brien sees learning opportunities within the education sessions on geriatric oncology. Considering that the average age of patients with multiple myeloma at his institution is 70 years, he looks forward to gaining valuable strategies for geriatric assessment.

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