Providing Rural Veterans With Access to Exercise Through Gerofit

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Gerofit, which is designed to help older veterans maintain independent living and prevent disability, has been demonstrated to improve quality of life and survival. Our goal has been to adapt Gerofit to CVT and provide a supervised, individualized exercise program in a group setting—a program that can be widely disseminated. Salem VAMC Tele-Gerofit is an innovative and prescriptive program that delivers CVT functional circuit exercise training to remote locations without the need for stationary exercise equipment. This approach has the potential to become an effective and feasible exercise strategy for preventing and minimizing disability in the increasing population of older veterans. Work is needed to determine whether Tele-Gerofit provides a rapid translation of Gerofit to clinical practice and improved outcomes with substantial cost savings from reduced hospitalization and institutionalization.

Gerofit has been funded by the Veterans Health Affairs Office of Geriatrics and Extended Care Non-Institutional Long-Term Care Funding and Mentored Partnership Program, and the Veterans Health Affairs Office of Rural Health Rural Enterprise-Wide Initiative.

The authors thank Kim Birkett, MPH, for assistance in editing, references, and graphics and the staff at the Wytheville, Staunton, and Danville community-based outpatient clinics for their support.


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