Addiction Medicine
Original Research
Examining Interventions and Adverse Events After Nonfatal Opioid Overdoses in Veterans
A retrospective study followed patients with a nonfatal opioid overdose to aid in the identification of risk factors for mortality.
Mindfulness intervention curbs opioid misuse, chronic pain
“There are really only upsides to the group visit model and I think we’ll be seeing quite a bit more of it in the future,” said Dr. Nancy Sudak....
Opioid deaths in North America predicted to soar
A rising trajectory of deaths was evident in both the United States and Canada before the pandemic hit.
E-cigarettes don’t help smokers quit, suggests new research
Use of e-cigarettes did not appear to prevent former smokers from relapsing to standard cigarettes.
Heavy cannabis use tied to less diabetes in women
Women, but not men, who used marijuana at least four times in the previous month were less likely to have type 2 diabetes than nonusers, found a...
Conference Coverage
Chronic marijuana use linked to recurrent stroke
“It’s essential to raise awareness among young adults about the impact of chronic habitual use of marijuana, especially if they have established...
Native American Tribes Settle ‘Epic’ Opioid Deal
Two emerging drugs exacerbating opioid crisis
On their own, para-fluorofentanyl and metonitazene can kill the user through respiratory depression, said Dr. Jordan Trecki.
Original Research
Naloxone Dispensing in Patients at Risk for Opioid Overdose After Total Knee Arthroplasty Within the Veterans Health Administration
This cohort study examined patients’ risk factors for opioid overdose and their association with naloxone prescribing among veterans undergoing...
Buprenorphine may curb opioid-induced respiratory depression
“I think this is an approach that works, and this study makes that clear,” said Dr. Geert Jan Groeneveld.