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MACRA final rule exempts many more doctors
Physicians who do not have a large Medicare population or who do not bill much to Medicare Part B will get a bit more breathing room to avoid...
CMS pilot aims to reduce physician administrative burdens
Under the 18-month initiative, providers practicing within certain Advanced Alternative Payment Models will be relieved of additional...
From the Journals
Silicone joint arthroplasty for RA shows sustained improvements at 7 years
Rheumatoid arthritis patients who underwent silicone metacarpophalangeal joint replacement maintained significant improvement in ulnar drift and...
From the Journals
More restrictive hemoglobin threshold recommended for transfusion
New guidelines on red blood cell blood transfusion recommend a restrictive threshold in which transfusion is not indicated until the hemoglobin...
Almost half of health providers will see PQRS pay cut
In 2015, about 1.15 million professionals were eligible and able to participate in PQRS; just over half (54%) successfully submitted data.
From the Journals
Patient-reported outcomes tied to long-term outcomes in bariatric surgery
A large study of patients who had bariatric surgery showed that patient-reported outcomes were correlated with long-term weight loss but not with...
Study establishes protocol for perioperative dabigatran discontinuation
Key clinical point: The risk of stroke and major bleeding can be reduced to low levels using a formalized strategy for stopping and then...
ACP guidelines for preventing, treating pressure ulcers
Residents looking to work in larger cities
Since 2008, residents’ preference for their future practice location has shifted from smaller cities and rural areas to large population centers...