Behavioral Consult

Behavioral Consult

Engaging skeptical parents

With skeptical parents, resist the urge to tell, and listen instead.

Behavioral Consult

Anxiety in teens

Consider sleep deprivation and substance abuse as mitigating factors.

Behavioral Consult

Sleepless in adolescence

Too little sleep by teens results in irritability, dropping grades, anxiety, depression, obesity, oppositionality, and even substance abuse.

Behavioral Consult

Preventing substance use

Parent education and early recognition in pediatric practice are among the most effective and cost-effective interventions for these disorders.

Behavioral Consult

Alternative therapies

Some alternative therapies have demonstrated efficacy for pediatric psychiatric disorders, others not so much.

Behavioral Consult

Mindfulness and child health

Structured mindfulness programs for children have been shown to help reduce symptoms of depression, PTSD, anxiety, and negative affect.

Behavioral Consult

Solving stool refusal

The “Penis Talk” and “Poop Party” can save the day.
