It is crucial for providers to be aware of nuanced presentations of autism spectrum disorders that may have been missed in early childhood when social demands are less complicated, particularly in persons identified as female at birth, nonbinary individuals, and those belonging to minority groups. It is also important to address the widely acknowledged trend of adolescents turning to social media influencers for information around neurodevelopmental conditions, at a time in their lives when social anxiety and self-awareness are generally heightened. For an adolescent, a young social media influencer may feel like a more salient and reliable source of information than an adult with various letters after their name. A respectful relationship between a teen and a thoughtful primary care provider can help gain trust to foster open conversations around their concerns, which can further help determine if a referral to a psychologist or developmental pediatrician for a formal autism assessment is truly warranted, highlighting the need for increased diagnostic capacity for such. While it is certainly important for providers to keep an open mind and to have continued awareness around the concept of late autism diagnoses, it is wise to also be aware of this recent trend among adolescents as providers seek to guide youth toward appropriate therapies and services.
Dr. Roth is a developmental and behavioral pediatrician in Eugene, Ore. She has no conflicts of interest.