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Study establishes protocol for perioperative dabigatran discontinuation
Key clinical point: The risk of stroke and major bleeding can be reduced to low levels using a formalized strategy for stopping and then...
VIDEO: Is JNC 8’s hypertension treatment threshold too high?
Broad application of JNC-8 would save lives, reduce costs
Key clinical point: Even young patients, in many cases, can benefit from adherence to theJoint National Committee 2014 hypertension guidelines.
Residents looking to work in larger cities
Since 2008, residents’ preference for their future practice location has shifted from smaller cities and rural areas to large population centers...
Conference Coverage
Telephone CPR training boosts cardiac arrest survival
Key clinical point: Adoption of the most recent AHA guidelines on telephone CPR by EMS dispatchers will lead to vast improvement in survival for...
AHA guidelines recommend Mediterranean diet to prevent stroke
NHLBI expert panel issues guideline on sickle cell disease
Major finding: The two most widely available disease-modifying therapies for SCD, hydroxyurea and long-term transfusions, are underused, in large...