

Seasons of change

Dr. Megan Adams kicks off her inaugural issue with a look to the future in this Letter From the Editor.

Conference Coverage

Is Nissen fundoplication the best we can do?

Although we have good surgical and medical options, we all recognize that they are not perfect and we should not settle on the current state of...


From past to future

The paper evolved from a simple print publication to a multimedia communications vehicle that includes videos, supplements, quizzes, and more.


Catching up with ourselves

Dr. John Allen reviews “astounding” scientific and clinical accomplishments featured in the August issue of GI & Hepatology News.


A new world awaits us all

COVID has changed medicine. We will deliver care differently, and health inequities inherent in the current system will not be tolerable.


What’s lost, what’s saved

Dr. Allen welcomes the new editor in chief while musing on what might be lost in this new digital health care landscape.


History made, history revisited

The Biden administration has passed and signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, which contains a plethora of moneys targeted to people,...
