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UHC accused of using AI to skirt doctors’ orders, deny claims
The case raises ethical and legal questions about whether AI can replace or supplement human tasks and interactions.
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Before signing an offer letter: Read this
Some employers play on the fact that younger doctors ... tend to be trusting or feel they don’t have negotiation power.
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PREVENT: AHA’s new risk calculator incorporates CKM health
PREVENT is for use in adults aged 30-79 years and estimates the 10- and 30-year risk of total CVD including, for the first time, heart failure.
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Already-available drug could help treat type 1 diabetes
DFMO inhibits the polyamine biosynthesis pathway, which plays a role in the inflammatory responses in autoimmune diseases.
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Infographic: Careers that tempt doctors to leave medicine
This infographic shows the five potential new careers that most interested U.S. physicians considering a change.
From the Journals
WHO: Smoking cessation reduces risk of type 2 diabetes up to 40%
Key misconceptions among smokers with type 2 diabetes that can prevent cessation include concerns about post-cessation weight gain, the influence...
Conference Coverage
Promising first results with DNA editing to lower LDL
The first in-human HEART-1 trial of in vivo DNA editing called VERVE-101, shows reductions in LDL and PCSK9 protein in patients with familial...
From the Journals
Bipolar disorder may raise risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome
Risk was highest among bipolar disorder patients who received long-term treatment with valproate.
Conference Coverage
Low-dose aspirin reduces liver fat, inflammation markers
“I’m encouraged by the results with low-dose aspirin, and I think that, given the risk profile, using a lower dose is preferable.”
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Sleeping beats sitting? What a new study means for your patients
“Our study highlights that replacing sedentary behavior with any other behavior can be beneficial.”
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‘Love more’: Why doctors should promote social connection
Embracing community and close relationships helps people live longer and be happier.