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Bone degradation measure can sway osteoporosis diagnosis



Assessing a key aspect of bone architecture, for which clinicians can now be reimbursed under Medicare, can significantly improve the ability to predict a patient’s risk for bone fracture.

Although bone mineral density (BMD) is traditionally used to identify patients with osteoporosis or low bone mass, some physicians have begun incorporating the trabecular bone score (TBS) into their exams.

At the Cleveland Clinic Center for Specialized Women’s Health, factoring in the TBS changed the diagnosis for 16% of 432 patients, according to Holly Thacker, MD, the center’s director.

“Importantly, 11% got worse diagnoses, and I use that in terms of prioritizing treatment,” Dr. Thacker said in an interview. The ability to determine how degraded the bone microarchitecture is through a software system “is a huge advance.”

Dr. Thacker described her center’s experience with the technology at the annual meeting of the Menopause Society (formerly The North American Menopause Society).

While BMD captures the amount of minerals like calcium in the skeleton, TBS assesses the underlying microarchitecture by looking at the distribution of shades of gray on dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans.

Based on the TBS, patients’ bones are classified as normal, partially degraded, or degraded. Among the 432 patients who received a TBS analysis in 2022, 3% shifted from a normal diagnosis to osteopenia, 8% worsened from osteopenia to osteoporosis, 4% went from osteopenia to normal, and 1.6% downgraded from osteoporosis to osteopenia, Dr. Thacker reported.

The new test may also provide some reassurance for female patients who have thinner bones, which may raise alarms based on BMD. TBS, however, may show that the structure of the bone looks normal.

“When you know that the microarchitecture is normal, you’re a lot less concerned that they actually have a bone disease of osteoporosis,” Dr. Thacker said.

Conversely, unexpectedly degraded bone raises questions.

“That makes you go back and say [to the patient]: ‘Have you been on steroids? Were you malnourished? Is there some other metabolic problem? Have you had some calcium disorder?’ ” Dr. Thacker said.

Dr. Thacker leverages the TBS to help patients obtain effective therapy, typically an anabolic agent followed by antiresorptive medication.

“When I see a patient who not only has osteoporosis on bone density but has completely degraded bone architecture, it’s a lot easier for me to make the argument to the insurance company that this patient is at grave risk for a low trauma fracture and bad outcome without the best treatment,” Dr. Thacker said.

10-year-old tech, recently covered

The Food and Drug Administration approved TBS software in 2012, but Medicare only recently started paying for it.

Medimaps Group, a company that markets imaging software to calculate TBS, announced in 2022 that reimbursement from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services was available, at $41.53 on the Physician Fee Schedule and $82.61 on the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment Schedule.

“Reimbursement through CMS is an important endorsement of the clinical value of TBS for clinicians and their patients,” Didier Hans, PhD, MBA, the CEO of Medimaps, said in a statement at the time. He noted that more than 600,000 TBS procedures were being performed in the United States each year.

Nevertheless, the initial investment in purchasing the software may be a barrier for health systems.

“We are the first and only site in our health system to offer TBS, as this is an extra expense and not uniformly reimbursed by insurers,” Dr. Thacker reported at the meeting.


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