Second-Generation Concepts for Locked Plating of Proximal Humerus Fractures
- Author:
- Gardner MJ
- Lorich DG
- Werner CML
- Helfet DL
Displaced fractures of the proximal humerus remain particularly difficult to treat. Because of the poor quality of cancellous bone, it seemed that...
5 Points on Ankle Fractures: It Is Not Just a "Simple" Ankle Fracture
- Author:
- Werner CML
- Lorich DG
- Gardner MJ
- Helfet DL
Angled Posteroanterior Fluoroscopy for L5-S1 Discography: A Technical Note
- Author:
- Ebraheim NA
- Karkare N
- Liu J
- Xu R
- Werner CML
Lumbar discography, a useful modality for evaluating patients with lower back pain, is performed under fluoroscopy with posteroanterior and...