We Need Better Care Coordination for Polytraumatized Patients
- Author:
- Suk M
Shift Needed in Evidence-Based Medicine
- Author:
- Helfet DL
- Suk M
- Hanson BP
- De Faoite D
It was just 20 years ago that the term evidence-based medicine (EBM) first appeared in the medical literature of a major journal.1 EBM’s seemingly...
Combined Orthopedic and Vascular Lower Extremity Injuries: Sequence of Care and Outcomes
- Author:
- Desai P
- Audige L
- Suk M
Combined vascular and orthopedic injuries requiring repair are rare. However, these injuries have a high amputation rate and significant morbidity...
Orthopedic Trauma in Pregnancy
- Author:
- Desai P
- Suk M
Trauma sustained during pregnancy can trigger uncertainty and anxiety for patient and orthopedic surgeon alike. In particular, orthopedic-related...
Traumatic Disruption of Pubis Symphysis With Accompanying Posterior Pelvic Injury After Natural Childbirth
- Author:
- Hierholzer C
- Toro-Arbelaez
- Suk M
- Helfet DL
Abstract not available. Introduction provided instead. Parturition-induced pelvic instability is a rare pathogenetic entity.
Iatrogenic Propagation of Anterior Fracture-Dislocations of the Proximal Humerus: Case Series and Literature Review With Suggested Guidelines for Treatment and Prevention
- Author:
- Ranawat AS
- Difelice GS
- Suk M
- Lorich DG
- Helfet DL
Abstract not available. Introduction provided instead. Fracture-dislocations of the proximal humerus, though rare, are difficult to manage.