Does physical exercise reduce dementia-associated agitation?
- Author:
- Katarzyna Jabbour, PharmD, BCPS
- Lynn M. Wilson, DO, FACOFP, FAAFP
- Susan S. Mathieu, MD
- Drew Keister, MD, FAAFP
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: Not consistently. Physical exer- cise demonstrates inconsistent benefit for neuropsychiatric symptoms, including agitation...
Do cinnamon supplements improve glycemic control in adults with T2DM?
- Author:
- Beth Careyva, MD
- Grant Greenberg, MD, MA, MHSA
- Katarzyna Jabbour, PharmD, BCPS
- Nicole Defenbaugh, PhD
- Joan Nashelsky, MLS
EVIDENCE-BASED ANSWER: The answer isn’t clear. Cinnamon supplements for adults with type 2 diabetes haven’t been shown to decrease hemoglobin A1C...